A mid 40s dad in Singapore

I’m a typical mid 40s middle-class Singaporean guy married with 3 beautiful kids, my life is like every other typical Singaporean family — work hard, save for the future, and plan for retirement.

But recently, life threw me a curveball. My daughter, who’s studying in a neighbourhood primary school, diagnosed with dyslexia. Wah, I tell you, when we heard the news, my wife and I kanchiong like spider. All these years, we just thought she was a bit slower in reading and writing. Turns out, it’s a learning difficulty.

At first, I blur blur don’t know what to do. But after some research, I realised this doesn’t mean her future is jialat / doomed. With the right support, she can still stay in the normal education system. So now, instead of chasing overtime or extra projects at work, I’ve decided to spend more time coaching her at home. Thus, I decided to start this journey together with her and decided to document this journey here.

So for now, my goal not just about hitting financial targets. It’s about seeing my daughter thrive and knowing I’ve done my best as her dad. 💪

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